When matter meets creativity everything becomes possible

Symbolic jewels created in the traditional way.

  • Personalizza i tuoi gioielli per esprimere la tua unicità!

  • Le pietre sono entita' materiche che entrano in risonanza con cio' di cui hai bisogno.

    Scegli le tue!


  • Custom Jewelry

    Each jewel has an added value when it comes from a careful study of shapes and meaning

  • Healing Vibration

    Jewels created with a vibrational value that induce spontaneous therapy thanks to the frequencies of the shapes that resonate with those of the wearer

  • The historical identity of a jewel

    The craftsman makes a few pieces that are all different and each one has its own story

  • My work tools

    I love to create jewelry in an artisanal way.

    I still have that romantic soul that keeps me sitting in front of my work goldsmith banquet where I can express all my creativity and humanity.